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Thank you for donating an in-kind auction item to The Mountaineers Annual Gala. All proceeds from this donation will directly benefit the mission and programs of The Mountaineers. We are so grateful for your support!

As a record of your donation please complete the form below. Gala Director, Rose Steller Burke, will follow up via email to complete your auction item listing and details for item procurement.

In the Donation Details section below please fill out the following information:

1. Item's expiration date (if none given by default we will set this to one year from the event date 4/6/2025)
2. Item's restrictions, limitations or special notes about advance notice
3. If a physical certificate is needed, can the donor provide? (e.g. a tangible punch card for a climbing gym or a gift certificate for a restaurant)

Auction Donation Form

Item Information
Contact Information

Thank you to our generous sponsors!