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An Evening of Advocacy 2024

Ensuring a Sustainable Future for Northwest Forests

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 6-9pm

Westland Distillery

2931 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134

Dinner | Drinks | Community | Conversation

This signature event raises funds to sustain our conservation and advocacy programs at The Mountaineers. The 2024 program theme is Northwest Forests! Please join us for an evening of food, drinks, community, and thoughtful conversation about advocating for our natural world. 
Ensuring a Sustainable Future for Northwest Forests

From smoky summers to closed trails, the Northwest’s old growth forests are increasingly impacted by wildfire and climate change. To ensure that future generations can continue to experience the vibrant forests we cherish, the Northwest Forest Plan is getting an update. The Mountaineers is a part of the Federal Advisory Committee that’s crafting a new plan to make our forests more resilient to wildfire and climate impacts, protect our last remaining old growth forests, and deepen Tribal co-stewardship. Join us to hear members of the Committee and other key stakeholders discuss how these forests are changing, how the updated plan aims to shape a better path forward, and how you can get involved.
Speakers include:

  • Ann House, JD - Senior Staff Attorney, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe 
  • James Johnston, PhD - Assistant Research Professor, University of Oregon 
  • Megan Birzell - Washington State Director, The Wilderness Society
  • Betsy Robblee (moderator) - Conservation & Advocacy Director, The Mountaineers

The evening will conclude with an invitation to support The Mountaineers conservation and advocacy programs through philanthropic support. 

Your choice of admission level is based on the level of support that is most meaningful to you*. 

* Each admission has a fair market value of $75 including food and drink.


If this date conflicts with your calendar but are still interested in supporting, there is an option to include a 100% tax-deductible donation in lieu of attending. If you are attending and would like to support at a deeper level, you may also choose to donate at the event. 

Questions? Contact Rose Steller Burke at roseb@mountaineers.org or Bri Vanderlinden at briv@mountaineers.org

Attend the Event
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Event Ticket: General $0.00

Event Ticket: Amplifier $0.00

Event Ticket: Advocate $0.00
Registration opens: Monday, July 29, 2024
Registration closes: Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I would like to make an additional donation to support conservation work at The Mountaineers

I authorize The Mountaineers to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event An Evening of Advocacy 2024. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.